The wall sculpture Cycles and Cyclones, 2017, consists of frayed, stretched burlap, which was formed into irregular circular and oval shapes with a central opening, and dyed in rainbow-like colors. The shapes and arrangement on the wall do not depict anything, but assisted by the title, open up a broad associative spectrum. From the cosmic rhythms and cycles of nature, carried by the gaze, the imagination floats over the artistic composition to the images of rotating fraying cyclones to the cyclical processes of human life. “I’ve used references to nature and Igbo words. I have been fixated with the phenomena of life: the essence, the enigma, the fluidity. The floral is a strong visual example of a fleeting experience. They change and grow, and expire and die, for the cosmological way of defining life. I’ve grown up around these philosophies of reincarnation, and it tends to be inherent in my work.” (N.O.)