Alicja Kwade
Watch (2x TN), 2009
2 clocks, metal, mirror, atomic watch, unique object
Robin Rhode
Pan’s Opticon Studies, 2009
Gravure, 5 parts
Maya Zack
Living Room no. 4, 2009
Anaglyph print, 2D, Ed. 2/5
Ding Yi
Cross Sketches, 2009
Artist book, color pencil and ink on rice paper
Michael Zahn
Power, Corruption, and Lies (Version), 2009
Acrylic on canvas
Andreas Schmid
Lichtungen, 2009
Neon with colored filter tubes, acrylic glas cylinder, electronic control system
Martin Boyce
A Forest (I), 2009
Power coated aluminum, steel chain, electrical components


Yin Xiuzhen
Portable City: Stuttgart, 2010
Suitcase, second hand clothes, sound installation
Sarah Browne
From Margin to Margin (Looking for Eileen), 2010
Artistbook, limited edition
Sarah Browne
Door stops for the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection, 2010
Pieter Hugo
Untitled, Agbogbloshie Market, Accra, Ghana, 2010
Zander Blom
The Black Hole Universe, Probing the Void, Chapter II, Scene #1-3, 2010
Photographic print on Fuji Archive Metallic Perl, mounted on Alu-Dibond, 3 parts
Yin Xiuzhen
One Sentence – No. 86, 2011
Second hand clothes, stainless steel
Yang Fudong
Yejiang/The Nightman Cometh no. 1, 2011
Black & White inkjet print
Yin Xiuzhen
One Sentence – No. 40, 2011
Second hand clothes, stainless steel
Max Uhlig
Bewegte Baumkronenreihe [Row of treetops in motion], 2011
Brush, gray and black ink, on Hahnemühle Büttenpapier paper
Yang Fudong
Yejiang/The Nightman Cometh no. 5, 2011
Black & White inkjet print
Yin Xiuzhen
One Sentence – No. 53, 2011
Second hand clothes, stainless steel
Ilit Azoulay
At the appearance of things, 2011
Archival pigment print on dibond with acrylic glass, Ed. 2/5 + 2 AP
Sigalit Landau
Mermaids (Erasing the Border of Azkelon), 2011
Video, Ed. 3/9 + 2 AP
Amit Berlowitz
Woods, 2011
Color inkjet print on dibond with acrylic glass, Ed. 3
Yang Fudong
Yejiang/The Nightman Cometh, 2011
35mm black & white film transferred to HD
Madeleine Boschan
lus primae noctis (Teknopod), 2011
antenna, plastic, laquers, metal, night light, neon, foam handle, socket-outlets
Ma Qiusha
All my sharpness comes from your hardness, 2011
Single-Channel-HD-Video, Ed. 5/6
Madeleine Boschan
Schwarze Weisheit IV, 2011
Glass, plastic, lacquer, metal, neon, mirror and razor blades
Oskar Schmidt
The American Series I-XII, 2011
Museo Silver Rag Print, Ed. 12 + 3 AP, 7 parts
Cody Choi
When You Say No, You Know Something. When You Know Something Communication is Impossible, 2011
Neon, unique object
Michel Verjux
Ouverture intérieure (source au sol), 2011
profile projector

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