
Albert Weis
flexion, 2010

  • Aluminum, lacquer
  • 10 Teile / parts, Gesamtmaße variabel / total dimensions variable
  • Acquired in 2011

A line of aluminum profiles are sawn on the indented sides at irregular intervals and bent to form a crystalline structure. The proportions of these irregular intervals were determined according to Le Corbusier’s ‘Modulor’– the system of proportions on which all his buildings are based, and which had a crucial influence on modernist architecture. By echoing the Golden Section and the Fibonacci Sequence, the artworks address the ideals behind modernism – urban, social and utopian concepts and living units supposedly adapted to human proportions. The errors and missing reference points in the artworks consciously undermine these idealised concepts. (A.W.)

Albert Weis

* 1969, Passau, D
Lives and works in Berlin, D
Albert Weis
folders (flat / condition), 2005
C-print, Mixed Media

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Installation 64 Artworks

Eva Teppe
Private Matter #1, 1999
tripod, projector, player, paper, clips, nylon threat

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