
Greg Bogin
Institutional Green, 1999

Greg Bogin’s minimalist abstractions are set in opposition to an unambiguousness of content, although their foreground simplicity suggests other meaning. The two tondi, Warmth, Charm and Personality and Institutional Green, repeat well-known schemata of pie-charts. They appear to be illustrations of statistical distribution patterns, yet confirmed neither by the colors of the works nor by their titles, since the individual segments differ only slightly from each other in terms of their coloring. The titles or captions propagate attributes which are hardly measurable and deny evident statements. What’s more, the formats suspend the works from their original context, namely underpinning an argumentation in an illustrating manner. They hardly remind one of the unambiguous emblems of everyday culture, of the logos and signets of advertisement or of the pictorial grammar used in statistics or science.

Greg Bogin

* 1965, New York City (NY), USA
Lives and works in New York City (NY), USA

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