
Lerato Shadi
Sugar and Salt, 2014

South African artist Lerato Shadi often places her own physical experiences at the center of her practice. From a post-colonial feminist perspective, she focuses on power constellations, the perception of time, mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. The situation is as humorous as it is intimate: two generations licking sugar and then salt from each other’s tongues. The very intimate touch and the embarrassed and amused laughter, the overcoming, the reactions to the strong taste impressions, the privacy and yet publicity of the video create a space of vulnerability in which strength manifests itself through the courage to dare this experiment. The complex relationship between mother and daughter, the experiences of women from two different generations, love and conflicts are translated into a sensual picture.

Sugar and Salt, 2014

Lerato Shadi

* 1979, Mafikeng, ZA
Lives and works in Berlin, D
Lerato Shadi
Hema (or six hours of outbreath captured in 792 balloons), 2007
single channel video projection

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Cobblestone, 2007
2 C-Prints, Ed. 3/6 + 1 AP
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An Indian from India – Portfolio II, 2007
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Petros Village Emily, Alefa, Gloria Banda und Muyeso Makawa. Petros Village, Malawi, 2006
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Lerato Shadi
Hema (or six hours of outbreath captured in 792 balloons), 2007
single channel video projection
Guy Tillim
Kamajoor-Milizen, 2001
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Hicham Berrada
Présage 21/02/2015 06h21, 2015
Video from performance, beaker, chemicals, camera and live screening
Gerwald Rockenschaub
Six animations, 2002
6 DVDs, 6 DVD-players, 6 Monitors, on plinth, floor slab, unique object

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