
Hermann Glöckner
Untitled (Konstruktion mit 8 Zacken), um 1930

Hermann Glöckner, one of the former GDR’s leading abstract artists, developed his ‘Tafelwerk’ between 1930 and 1935, and used it to explore the three-dimensional potential of rigorously systematized and reduced geometrical forms. These ‘Tafeln’ anticipated work that was to condense after 1935 into collage-like Faltungen [folded pieces]. These were Glöckner’s key contribution to 20th century art, and at the same time prepared the way for 1960s minimalist tendencies. The regime did not object to his use of abstract formal language in public places, but Glöckner as an autonomous artist was a ‘formalism suspect’ in campaigns the GDR started in 1950. It was not before 1969 that the Dresden Museum could organize a first solo show for the then 80 year old artist.

Hermann Glöckner

* 1889, Cotta, D
† 1987, Berlin, D

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