Outside Europe
From the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection
With works by some forty artists from India, Australia, South Africa, the USA, Israel, South America, Georgia, Russia and Japan, the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection is presenting a contemporary cross-section of the international artistic scene from the past few decades. The works shown in this exhibition—numbering eighty, for the most part new acquisitions from the past few years—consciously offset the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection’s traditional European focus with the addition of positions from countries outside Europe.
The Mercedes-Benz Art Collection, which was established in 1977 and committed to a concrete-constructivist, minimalist language of pictures and objects, was extended in the early 1990s with the addition of a concentrated selection of photographs, video films and installations by contemporary artists.
This portion of the Collection is gradually being extended with great zeal. In keeping with the international character of the Mercedes-Benz AG, the long-term perspective of the Collection’s acquisitions is also directed towards cultural developments in Asia, South Africa, South America and India. Whereas the German and European classics were at the focus of the Collection last year, this year’s presentation in the Gallery of the City of Sindelfingen is opening up new perspectives on artistic developments outside Europe.
- Yaacov Agam
- Doug Aitken
- Shusaku Arakawa
- Are You Meaning Company
- Karl Benjamin
- Ilya Bolotowsky
- Stephen Bram
- Carlos Cruz-Diez
- Gene Davis
- Gia Edzgveradze
- Michelle Grabner
- Shilpa Gupta
- Dmitry Gutov
- Frederick Hammersley
- Al Held
- Yoshikuni Iida
- Alfredo Jaar
- Tamara K.E.
- Takehito Koganezawa
- Tadaaki Kuwayama
- Alexander Liberman
- Satoko Masuda
- Almir da Silva Mavignier
- Kirsten Mosher
- John Nixon
- Isamu Noguchi
- David Novros
- Justin Ponmany
- Sayed Haider Raza
- Robert Ryman
- Peter Schuyff
- Yuko Shiraishi
- Oli Sihvonen
- Pamela Singh
- Jesús Rafael Soto
- Haim Steinbach
- Vincent Szarek
- Yuji Takeoka
- Guy Tillim
- Uri Tzaig
- Keiji Usami
- Michael Zahn