
Andreas Brandt
Dunkelgrau-Blau, Umkehrung, 1974

  • Oil on canvas
  • 137 x 203 cm
  • Acquired in 1994

“There is nothing to be said about painting, all we can talk about is the method used to deploy creative resources in realizing a concept. […] Material is the picture surface, the colors. The surface – in its limitations and extend – hast to be set in motion by color.” (A.B. 1970/2003)

Andreas Brandt studied until 1961 painting in Berlin, from 1968/69 onwards he produced works determined by stripes of color on a white background which display a certain affinity to Joseph Alber’s color studies. The visual weighting of the colors that confer rhythm and dynamism on the picture space makes vivid impact. This process shows a recognizable aesthetic relationship with the circle pictures of Alexander Liberman; Brandt worked mainly in California from 1973-76. The reductionist painting of both Liberman and Brandt shows links in terms of color and form that create an effect not just on color sounds, but also on spacial quality.

Andreas Brandt

* 1935, Halle/Saale, D
Lives and works in Niebüll, D

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