The artwork of the artist Sibylla Dumke is characterized by a fragile, playfully poetic and spare use of language. Her paper works are “concerned with the finding of forms, with seeking out the essence of things.” (SD) The drawing that has been acquired by the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection – o.T. (26.2, Kamari), 2014 – demonstrates the artist’s intensive activity with structures of nature. The intuitive strokes and the delicate tracery of the ink reflect the artist’s powers of sensitive observations, interpreted in “a rhythmic movement” (SD). The drawing accentuates the very moment and individual aspects – the aspects produced by the hand. Dumke herself describes her working method as follows: “In my drawings I’ve been using patterns and signs and dots and lines very intuitively. They resemble kind of calligraphy and its expression. I see the same in things that I find in nature. […] I am very inspired by abstraction and since branches are abstract to me; they don’t make any forms that look like something that one would know, it’s more like they give one hints towards something that could be something, like a symbol or a sign which I like because I can interpret.” (SD)