
Andreas Schmid
Partitur, 2002

The artistic approach of Andreas Schmid is a situative and temporary one. He works on existing spaces as transitory places between external and internal perception, which develop as the onlooker moves in space. For the interpretation of ‘latent’ spaces, he primarily uses lines which are tautened or bonded, drawn, painted, cut, photographed or laid. “I react first mentally and visually and only then actively to a space and its major features and in a way I reinforce its characteristics which I have perceived and processed.” (A.S.) Andreas Schmid has developed a draughts-man’s atmospheric overall concept for his exhibitions, in a close dialogue with the architecture, often as well with musicians. He picks up the various qualities of the space and makes them more precise: the relationship between internal and external space, perspective dynamics and formal unity, light and shade, dull and reflecting surfaces etc.

Andreas Schmid

* 1955, Stuttgart, D
Lives and works in Berlin, D
Andreas Schmid
Lichtungen, 2009
Neon with colored filter tubes, acrylic glas cylinder, electronic control system

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A Forest (I), 2009
Power coated aluminum, steel chain, electrical components
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Architekturmodell Atelier Herkulesufer 15, Berlin / model of studio space Herkulesufer 15, Berlin, 1922
Wood, cardboard, emulsion paint, fabric

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Prayer (Study for 2014), 2014
Metal sculpture with LED light, text panel under glass

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When You Say No, You Know Something. When You Know Something Communication is Impossible, 2011
Neon, unique object
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Schwarze Weisheit IV, 2011
Glass, plastic, lacquer, metal, neon, mirror and razor blades

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Gail Hastings
Missing walls: Bureaucracy at work, 2007
Oil on plywood, pencil and watercolor on silk, partly framed

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