Xu Zhen studied at the School of Arts and Design, Shanghai. As a younger member of the so-called ‘Fuck-Off’ generation, Xu Zhen has internalized, and responded to, the anger and the cynicism of the 1990s. His artwork is characterized by an intensive interest in »examining the different inconsistencies and ambiguities that underpinned his consciousness of the world.« (David Elliot) In 2010, he took the next logical step by founding his firm MadeIn Company. It represents a very serious and rigorous attempt by Xu Zhen to create an entrepreneurial alternative to the existing system of galleries, art fairs and museums. The Physique of Consciuosness Museum is part of the research endeavor of the company. A »cultural fitness exercise« formed the basis of the artwork. This exercise, which is entitled Physique of Consciousness, brings together diverse human movements from very different contexts. »It combines physical and spiritual virtues, enhancing body conditions and well-being, and further extends researches on world physical and spiritual practices.[…]. Researches and analysis of each posture and movement (more than a hundred) and their origins, and signification, have been pursued since 2011.« (MadeIn)