Lasse Schmidt Hansen works with adherence to and deviation from formalized standards. Through minimal modifications of standard DIN (‘Deutsches Institut für Normung [German Institute for Standardisation]’) measurement coordinates the artist attempts to open our eyes to the incidental nature of rules, regulations and prescriptions which determine sizes and volumes of most objects of everyday use. Through slight deviations from the established norms, the artist takes an easygoing approach to the logic, which governs the standards of industrial mass production, and our relationship to these norms.
In the sculpture Redirection, Schmidt Hansen has chosen a different approach to his subject. While he had previously worked with ready-mades, he created this open shelf structure himself and by hand. The object itself and its conceptual and poetic quality have their roots in Sol LeWitt’s ideal, flawlessly white, precisely constructed structures, but the artist’s handmade interpretation of this concept has introduced a number of mistakes, variations and deviations into the square grid.