For the ‘Conceptual & Applied III: Surfaces and Pattern’ exhibition the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection has asked Luca Trevisani for a space-related commissioned work. His design is based on an ornamental, abstract/organic grid of individual elements (with variously colored edges) that meander over the floor and open height of the exhibition space. This net-like structure is inspired by the structure of maritime nets used for raising mussels in the sea or for conveying them. The blown-up motive transfers the net into an abstract structure, playing over the right angle between the floor and the space, putting one in mind of an abstract choreography, a terraced topography. The maritime inspiration is moreover reflected in the choice of the material, since Corian is mainly based on minerals like e.g. shell limestone. Trevisani’s spatial interpretation of the sieve can also be read as a big wave, that one traverses only with the eye and that invite one to imagine and to meditate. At the same time, the artwork is conceived in such a way that the elements, made from stone-like Corian material, can be walked on: the viewer, balanced on the unstable web elements, is more like an active dancer than a passive user.