
Andreas Reiter Raabe
Untitled, 1993

  • acrylic and wall paint on wooden frame, colored glass
  • 215 x 140 cm
  • Acquired in 2004

Reiter Raabe’s showcased objects and sculptures extend his painting to space. Like John McCracken’s high-gloss panels, his objects, which are kept very simple in formal terms, capture the space around them and make it their subject, and again they relate to each other in a state of perpetual complicity. This becomes obvious when, as in the case of Ohne Titel [Untitled], 1993, viewers see the interplay as the space becomes a reflected image in the green glass surface of the showcase, self-created in the triadic unity of color, glass and space. In the case of Reiter Raabe’s three-dimensional objects in particular, which adopt the formal vocabulary of Minimalism, the effect is not concentrated in the objects themselves, but on the specific relations that they build up with their surroundings, thus rescaling them, doubling and flattening them, distorting or coloring them.

Andreas Reiter Raabe

* 1960, Raab, A
Lives and works in Vienna, A

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