Geometría en el siglo XX en la Mercedes-Benz Art Collection

August 13th — October 25th 2010
MALBA – Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires
Avda. Figueroa Alcorta 3415
C1425CLA Buenos Aires

Tel.: 0054/(0)11.4808 6500

A selection of 150 highlights from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection, from Josef Albers to Andy Warhol and Sylvie Fleury, has been sent on a World Tour. The exhibits will specially be assembled and presented to give visitors in Buenos Aires a tour of the last 100 years of international art history with a focus on abstract tendencies, as a reference to the strong abstract-constructive traditions in South America.

A starting point is provided by Classical Modernism, with main pieces of Oskar Schlemmer, Max Bill and Josef Albers. A specific part of the exhibition is dedicated to the Zero avant-garde from around 1960, followed by international examples of minimalistic painting and sculpture from the 1960s/70s, eg. Kenneth Noland, Charlotte Posenenske, Liam Gillick und Andrea Zittel. In the section, we also present around ten South American artists from the 1960s to today. About 20 works form part of the specific section of commissioned works from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection around the theme of the automobile, with painting, sculpture and videos by e.g. Andy Warhol, Robert Longo and Sylvie Fleury.

The whole exhibition will be accompanied by a comprehensive Education Program for schools and universities, which had been developed in close collaboration with the education department of the MALBA.





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