In the case of Carmelo Tedeschi’s objects, which, over the course of the artistic process, may become sculptures, but may also become wearable bracelets, it is the context and the audience for the discourse that decides how the artworks are interpreted, in what way they are used and how they are received. At the same time, all of his artworks exert a form of stage presence – this may be the result of his professional origins in costume and the theatre. At an early stage, he began charting a course between the spheres of various media and specialist areas, presenting his artworks in a variety of contexts, allowing them to appear as fashion or as high art. The spiritual influences behind the artistic work of Tedeschi have a significant link with the town of Fez in Morocco, his home and the base for his activities when he is not in Berlin. It is this realm of interaction between traditional crafts and contemporary design that constitutes his vision for the union of two normally separated worlds and very different production methods, as a productive synergy, transcending the diverging extremes of nostalgia and an unreserved faith in technological progress.