
Jeremy Moon
Fountain (2/67), 1967

Moon, a soldier in Vietnam and Korea during World War II, initially studied law and went on to work for an advertising agency. In 1960 he visited the legendary ‘Situation’ exhibition at the RBA Galleries, London, staged by the group of artists of the same name. One year later he started his studies at the Central School of Art in London. The first pictures from 1961-62 already demonstrate Moon’s fully developed skills. In 1962, he received a sculpture prize; by 1973, he had presented his works in ten one-man shows, and he was represented in the most important group exhibitions of British painting on a global scale. The ‘Y-pictures’, created in 1967 and consisting of 13 works – among those is Fountain (2/67), 1967, – may be seen as an approach to coming to terms with the ‘shaped canvases’ of American Hard Edge Painting and Post Painterly Abstraction – especially of Frank Stella and Kenneth Noland whose early works were shown in London for the first time in 1963 and 1965.

Jeremy Moon

* 1934, Altrincham, Cheshire, GB
† 1973, London, GB

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