
Andy Warhol
Mercedes 400 Tourenwagen (1925), 1986

After the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft merged with Benz & Cie. in 1926 to form Daimler-Benz AG, the Mercedes 15/70/100 PS continued to be produced with no alterations, but was renamed the Mercedes-Benz Type 400. In 1927, the crossbeam leaf springs of the rear suspension were replaced with underslung springs. From 1928 onwards, the brake cable was supplemented by a vacuum braking system to improve brake effectiveness.

Andy Warhol

* 1928, Pittsburgh (PA), USA
† 1987, New York City (NY), USA
Andy Warhol
Benz Coupé Mylord (1901), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Gottlieb Daimler im Fond, am Steuer sein Sohn Adolf, Daimler Motorkutsche (1886), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Benz Patent-Motorwagen (1886), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Mercedes-Benz C 111 Versuchswagen (1970), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Mercedes-Benz Formel-Rennwagen W 125 (1937), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Karl Benz mit seinem kaufmännischen Angestellten Josef Brecht auf dem Benz Patent-Motorwagen (1886), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas

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Andy Warhol
Mercedes-Benz Formel-Rennwagen W 125 (1937), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Mercedes 400 Tourenwagen (1925), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Kirsten Mosher
Carmen 4. It's civilization, 1995
Video, 4:06 min, Ed. unlim.

Commissioned work 44 Artworks

Max Bill
combillation aus 30 gleichen elementen in 6 gruppen, 1986
Polyester reinforced with fiberglas
Andy Warhol
Benz Coupé Mylord (1901), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas

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Andy Warhol
Mercedes-Benz Formel-I-Rennwagen W 196 R Stromlinie (1954), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Benz Coupé Mylord (1901), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas

Silkscreen 24 Artworks

Andy Warhol
Benz Coupé Mylord (1901), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Mercedes-Benz Formel-Rennwagen W 125 (1937), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Andy Warhol
Mercedes-Benz Formel-Rennwagen W 125 (1937), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas

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