Zander Blom’s complex installations always make a fleeting impression and have a short half-life. The site specific photographs in the Black Hole Universe series make it possible to look specifically at the way the artist works. Blom is creating his own “open, abstract and strange, but at the same time chaotic world” in this long-term series. “The idea for this chapter of the project is about probing/surveying/examining things that have to do with the abstract or the void, very much in terms of the idea in Minimalism where the objective is to make work that transcends into a kind of pure object and space experience – which within my project is related to the idea of staring into the void, or journeying/staring into outer space. I’m interested in doing scenes that could be like landscapes, or still lives, which in some cases may be filled to the brim with a range of art objects, and in some cases may only have a fragment of a work visible.” (Z.B.) Each of the installations also provides the background for a ‘futuristic Sci-Fi Noir Space Film’, as the artist puts it, each of the photographs is to be seen as a still showing a scene from this film.