
Natalia Stachon
Blinding 1, 2009

Blinding I, an apparently random layering of U-shaped copper profiles, is reminiscent first of all of essentially formally oriented floor sculptures by 1960s British Minimalists such as David Hall and Anthony Caro or of steel or iron floor sculptures by Donald Judd. But if viewers concentrate on the ready-made character of the material, the chance elements in the layering variations and the instability of the structure as a whole, then key works come to mind in the border area between Minimal and antiform by artists such as Richard Serra, Robert Morris or Carl Andre. The specific quality of Stachon’s work lies in the combination of formalism, ready-made and antiform, and in the juxtaposition of the inclusion (through color and dimensions) and volatilization of space (through the openness of the profiles and the variability of the structure).

Natalia Stachon

* 1976, Kattowitz, PL
Lives and works in Berlin, D
Natalia Stachon
Drift 03, 2012
Acrylic glass, cord, tension straps, hooks, Ed. 1/1 + AP
Natalia Stachon
Visions and Revisions 13, 2019
Crayon on paper, mounted on Alu-Dibond, framed, 4 parts

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