Tacita Dean
The Russian Ending, 2001
Photogravure, 20 parts
Rita Hensen
fallen mit den Augen in die Öffnung , 2001
Relief, plywood, cardboard
Markus Huemer
My Pictures are the Ashes of My Art (After Palermo), 2002
Video on DVD, DVD-Player, projector
Liu Zheng
The Chinese, 2002
30 archive incjet-prints
Gerwald Rockenschaub
Six animations, 2002
6 DVDs, 6 DVD-players, 6 Monitors, on plinth, floor slab, unique object
Michael Zahn
Untitled (Palette with Objects), 2002
Acrylic on acrylic glass
Isabell Heimerdinger
Waiting, Acting Waiting, 2002
2 films (16 mm), color, silent, sceen and projector, 7 Min., Ed. 1/3
Sylvie Fleury
Aura Soma, 2002
102 bottles (each 50 ml) and 4 light boxes, Ed. 1/3
Michael Zahn
Untitled (Menu with Sub-Menu), 2002
Acrylic on acrylic glass
Pamela Singh
Jaipur Self-Portrait No. 3, 2003
Mixed media on black-and-white photography, unique object
Pamela Singh
Jaipur Self-Portrait No. 1, 2003
Mixed media on black-and-white photography, unique object
Pamela Singh
Jaipur Self-Portrait No. 4, 2003
Mixed media on black-and-white photography, unique object
Pamela Singh
Jaipur Self-Portrait No. 5, 2003
Mixed media on black-and-white photography, unique object
Peter Halley
Mixed Grid Painting / Wallpaper, 2003
Acrylic and metallic acrylic, Roll-a-tex on canvas, digital wallpaper print
Jim Lambie
Doors (Humanizer), 2003
Wood, mirror, gloss paint
Pamela Singh
Jaipur Self-Portrait No. 2, 2003
Mixed media on black-and-white photography, unique object
Ben Willikens
Raum 371, Erich Buchholz (Atelier Herkulesufer 15, Berlin 1922), 2004
Acrylic on canvas
Liam Gillick
Provisional Bar Floor/Ceiling, 2004
Plywood, formica laminate
Santiago Sierra
111 Konstruktionen mit 10 Elementen und 10 Arbeitern (Nr. 63, #66/04), 2004
b-w photographies, framed, Ed. 1/2 + 1 AP
Santiago Sierra
111 Konstruktionen mit 10 Elementen und 10 Arbeitern (Nr. 77, #80/04), 2004
b-w photographies, framed, Ed. 1/2 + 1 AP
, 2004
Offsetprints, collage
Santiago Sierra
111 Konstruktionen mit 10 Elementen und 10 Arbeitern (Nr. 39, #42/04), 2004
b-w photographies, framed, Ed. 1/2 + 1 AP
Vincent Szarek
Moving in Stereo, 2004
Urethan on fiberglas, wood, electronic, loudspeaker, CD player
David Goldblatt
On Steenkamp Street, Northern Cape, 4 June 2004, 2004
Digital inkjetprint on cotton rag paper, Ed. 1/10
Shilpa Gupta
Untitled, 2004
Interactive video installation, Ed. 1/3 + 2 AP
Sylvie Fleury
Blitzen-Benz BANG, 2005
3-channel-projection, 7:02 min
Pieter Hugo
Mallam Galadima Ahmadu with Jamis and Mallam Mantari Lamal with Mainasara, Nigeria [from the series ›Gadawan Kura‹ (The Hyena Men)], 2005

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