Just what is it…
100 Years of Modernist Art from Private Collections in Baden-Württemberg
10 Years of the Museum für Neue Kunst im ZKM
Some key works from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection can be seen as part of the Just what is it… exhibition at the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) in Karlsruhe until April 2010. Selected works from significant private art collections from Baden-Württemberg are being shown to mark the 10th anniversary of the ZKM’s Museum für Moderne Kunst. The Mercedes-Benz Art Collection is represented in the anniversary exhibition with about fifteen highlights.
To celebrate its anniversary, the Museum für Moderne Kunst is being transformed into a “Museum für Moderne auf Zeit”—a temporary museum of Modernism. 100 years of art from the early 20th century to the first decade of the 21st century are brilliantly documented featuring outstanding works from private collections in Baden-Württemberg, thus demonstrating important lines of development in Modernism and Postmodernism down to the present day. Artists among the selected loans from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection include Josef Albers, Hans Arp, Georg Karl Pfahler, Charlotte Posenenske, Oskar Schlemmer, Sean Scully and Franz Erhard Walther and a new acquisition by Monika Sosnowska. We are particularly pleased to have the opportunity to present one of the significant great sculptures from the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection, Jean Tinguely’s Méta-Maxi (1986) in public again in Karlsruhe, for the first time in about 20 years.