
Klaus Staudt
Seriell betont, WR 12b, 1961

Along with the artists around the Zero group, Klaus Staudt, Max Bill and Richard Paul Lohse can be grouped with the systematic-constructive artists working in the post-war period. One characteristic feature of Constructive Art is researching optical-aesthetic phenomena using the methods of exact science. Staudt treats light not as a mere phenomenon, but as a concrete material that is an essential component for the effect of his work. A certain number of micro-elements (prisms, bars, rhombuses etc.) are arranged evenly and without hierarchy, usually on a square ground. This creates a structural field including a number of levels, as the micro-elements are sometimes arranged on, sometimes behind a support – frequently milky or transparent acrylic glass. The resultant spatial impression is made more profound by the fact that light and shade produce a rhythmic interplay on the structured surface. The material relief structure is only revealed in its full three-dimensional quality by the effect of the light.

Klaus Staudt

* 1932, Ottendorf, D
Lives and works in Frankfurt/Main, D
Klaus Staudt
dem Lichte entgegen, 1989
Acrylic glass, polysterene

Related artworks

Constructivism 16 Artworks

Erich Buchholz
Architekturmodell Atelier Herkulesufer 15, Berlin / model of studio space Herkulesufer 15, Berlin, 1922
Wood, cardboard, emulsion paint, fabric

Geometric abstraction 18 Artworks

Karl Heinz Adler
Serielle Lineaturen über Kreis, 1967
Collage, velour paper, silver paper, graphite on cardboard
Karl Heinz Adler
Entwurf für Wandgestaltung (Draft for walldesign), 1972, 1972
Gouache and collage

Light 19 Artworks

Andreas Schmid
Lichtungen, 2009
Neon with colored filter tubes, acrylic glas cylinder, electronic control system
Madeleine Boschan
lus primae noctis (Teknopod), 2011
antenna, plastic, laquers, metal, night light, neon, foam handle, socket-outlets

Object 37 Artworks

Disposition, 1988
Cork, painted wood

Relief 5 Artworks

Serial 14 Artworks

Alan Uglow
Twelve Standards Leaning , 1994
Silkscreen on paper
Franz Erhard Walther
49 Nesselplatten, 1963
Hardboard sheets, white primer, paste, untreated cotton cloth

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