
Liam Gillick
Provisional Bar Floor/Ceiling, 2004

Liam Gillick has been making a name for himself with sculptures, spatial installations, films, scripts and stage plays since the early 1990s. While the artist engages in a dialogue with the 20th-century abstract avant-garde in formal terms, his works always relate to historical or up-to-date political themes in terms of their content. Gillick’s architectural floor object Provisional Bar Floor/Ceiling, 2004, made of pallets with different color strips, is a continuation of his spatial objects which he calls ‘screens’. These mark places within defined spaces, which the onlooker can use as a kind of visual discussion platform. Gillick plays with the demarcations between abstract pictorial nature and concrete three-dimensionality which always broaches the human being’s scope of language, thought and action.

Liam Gillick

* 1964, Aylesbury, GB
Lebt und arbeitet in New York City (NY), USA

Verwandte Werke

abstrakt 73 Werke

Gail Hastings
Missing walls: Bureaucracy at work, 2007
Öl auf Sperrholz, Wasserfarbe und Bleistift auf Seide und Papier, teilweise gerahmt

In-situ 4 Werke

Walter de Maria
5 Kontinente Skulptur, 1989
Marmor, Quarz, Magnesit in Glas-Stahl-Konstruktion
Nic Hess
König Gerrit, 2007
Holz, Klebeband, Aufl. 2/3

Konzeptkunst 106 Werke

Minimal Art 35 Werke

Santiago Sierra
111 Konstruktionen mit 10 Elementen und 10 Arbeitern (Nr. 39, #42/04), 2004
s/w-Fotografien, gerahmt, Aufl. 1/2 + 1 AP

New York 29 Werke

Hanne Darboven
Konstruktionen New York, 1966
Einzelblatt, Kugelschreiber, Bleistift auf Papier, durchstochen auf Karton

Skulptur 88 Werke

Ulrich Rückriem
Schieferstein gespalten (Hammer und Meißel), 1969
Schieferstein gespalten


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